Promoting Sport Participation in Greece: Issues and Challenges

Panagiota Balaska, Charilaos Kouthouris

Year: 2014 Volume: 13 Issue: d

Pages: 63-84

Abstract: Due to the absence of national sport participation data in Greece, research and information is still limited. The present paper aimed to report on annual sport participation rates and frequency of sport participation, demographic differences, and constraints on sport participation, among young and middle-aged parents in Greece. Three hundred young and middle-aged parents participated in the study. The results indicated low annual sport participation rates and low frequency of sport participation. Females reported higher sport participation rates than males (without the difference being statistically significant), while sport participation significantly decreased among the less educated and older individuals. Finally, lack of time, facilities / services and lack of partner related constraints had the highest mean scores. The implications of these results for developing sport policy and promoting recreational sports are discussed, with reference at the same time on methodological issues.